Vortrag + Gespräch:
Der Vortrag wird in englisch abgehalten, das Q&A in deutsch und englisch.
The lecture will be held in English, the Q&A in German and English.
My presentation is an examination of prevalent media platforms and the impact of cultural private partnerships on club culture structures, as contemporary club cultural affordances. While emancipatory positions bring attention to structural problems within the club cultures, a blind spot remains on the widespread use of social media and its inherent representative inequality — contradicting their historically grounded and prevailing self-perception of values and norms in club cultures.
Long-term cultural private partnerships established an inner colonization of club cultures, shaping the production and reception of their historiography, while forming careers and enhancing the visibility of club cultural actors. New generations socialise with the naturalised expectation of cultural content, work and efforts as ubiquitous commodities. In the project-based polis of neoliberalism, this comes at a price, as it transforms the credibility of club cultures‘ key values and norms, eroding independent structures and socio-economic conditions.
I offer to reflect upon these platforms and the impact of cultural private partnerships on club culture structures, concluding to unlearn the mediated images of a parasitic, exploitative industry and instead get inspired by the emancipatory project, that the club cultures had once been, as a driving force for sustainable socio-economic transformation processes in club cultures.
Patrick Raddatz ist Doktorand der Soziologie und Theorie der Medien an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, situiert an den Schnittstellen von Clubkultur und Visueller Kunst. Seit seiner Diplomarbeit »House Nation BRD. Regionale Netzwerke in House und Techno von den Anfängen in den 1980ern bis zur Definition eines städtetypischen Sounds in den 1990ern« setzt er am Offenbacher Institut für Klangforschung Theorie in die Praxis um, leitend verantwortlich für das Curriculum und die Robert Johnson Theorie Vortragsreihe. Als Freelancer entwickelt Patrick Raddatz Konzepte und Projekte für Musik-, Bildungsvermittlungs- und Diskursprogramme.